We first met Chris Gendron as a Seabrook Idol hopeful. All the contestants had been picked and it was the first night of music was the competition. The stage was set and the music was queued up and in walked Chris. He placed his guitar down int the corner and introduced himself to Francoix Simard, the show's producer, and said he would be in the wings waiting should the opportunity present itself. As luck would have it, a spot opened up.
I don't remember the first song Chris sang that night (I think is was a cover of Chris Stapleton), but I do remember the crowd's reaction and that of the judges. The crowd roared and the judges lauded his performance. The night ended and judgement time came, Chris Gendron had advanced to the next round.
The next few rounds came and went and Chris was still there, taking the stage and wowing the crowd. Who was this guy, this stand in, this last minute surprise? Well, the answers are found in Episode 90! So please click on that link and listen in.